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VIBCO's 2014 Christmas Party On Pinterest

by [user not found] | Jan 09, 2015

The holidays have come and gone once again - but we have the pictures from our holiday season.

To close out 2014, VIBCO held their annual Christmas party and it was a day to remember. After an intense company-wide game of the Amazing Race, everyone came out to the shop and shared food, laughs and good times.

Take a look at the highlights from this year's holiday party here.

While you're checking out the Christmas party pictures, take a look at the other VIBCO Pinterest boards. The  Vibration Nation blog, VIBCO apparel, jobsite pictures and more are all up there, too - in picture form!

Oh - and Santa and Mrs. Claus stopped by for a visit, too and before heading back to the North Pole took a photo-op in front of the VIBCO sign.

vibco christmas party 2014

