How to Select the Right Mounting Plate and Length of Channel Iron for Your Vibrator Installation
by Linda Kleineberg | Jun 24, 2013
There are a number of factors to consider when selecting a mounting plate and channel iron combination for your vibrator installation. Refer to your vibrator model's Quick Reference Guide for complete installation information.
1. Understand Your Installation and Application Requirements
Vibrators are used on bins, hoppers, chutes, conveyors, dump trucks, screens, concrete forms, silos, feeders, etc. Be sure to examine your particular application for any obstacles in the target installation zone. VIBCO Technical Support is always available for a consultation - add a photo to your inquiry to receive our most accurate recommendation with theVIBCO's Virtual Van Visit.
2. Use the Guide Below to Determine The Right Channel Length
The two most critical factors in your selection will be the force output of the vibrator and the thickness of the structure (i.e. bin wall, chute wall, dump bed construction, etc.). To use the guide below 1) Determine your score Factor A based on the force output of your vibrator (refer to our in-depth product pages for model-specific information on force output); 2) Determine your score for Factor Bbased on the thickness of the wall; and 3) Add Factor A + Factor B to determine your recommended length of channel iron.

3. Select the Correct Mounting Plate Thickness and Channel Width
Use the guide below to select the correct mounting plate thickness and channel width based on the force output of your vibrator. Refer to our in-depth product pages for model-specific information on force output.

The above are general guides are provided for your reference. For help with your specific vibrator installation, please contact VIBCO Technical Support.